Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Fair Oaks Cemetery - May 11, 2005

Nothing like a walk through a cemetery to make one humble.
The Fair Oaks Cemetery was established in 1903, so it's not that terribly old. But still, I couldn't help but me moved by a few of the things I noticed.

Like this child's marker, or the marker of a former sheriff's deputy.

Another thing I noticed was several headstones listing both husband and wife, but without a passing date for one or the other. Obviously, one is still alive. I was moved by what a bond that represents. To have loved and lost, and now after a death, to pledge to be committed to that one and only, even after death, and to be placed next to the departed partner when you go, is a love that one day I hope to experience. That depth of commitment and honor is not so common in today's society as I think it once was.

Then there were the husbands and wives who, after living long lives together, die within a year, and sometimes months, of each other. The power of that bond in life, and the depth of the loss to where the strength and will to live without that partner leaves you, is staggering to me.

And then there are the recent losses. The fresh memories of loved ones.

This photo was taken on the one year anniversary of the death, and it's obvious the family had been by recently.

This grave is well tended and often visited even four years after the loss.

And this tombstone shows the remebrences offered on Mother's Day, last Sunday.

These are fresh flowers, all placed within a day or two, for reasons known only the those that remember him.

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